Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Congregation Of The Children Of Israel

The Congregation Of The Children Of Israel

The next place that we went was The Congregation of the Children of Israel. When we were on our way there, I kind of got lost. Then I realized that it's almost in the middle of nowhere! When we got there, and I saw the building, I thought it looked AMAZING! They had this little hut looking thing made out of bamboo right as you go through the front door. At that moment, I wished that I had one of those! (haha)
When we walked in, we were welcomed by Rabbi Gerson, the leader of the center. As I was looking around, I felt like if I were to touch anything, I would break it. Everything looked so fragail and so shiny. It was amazing looking. The feeling I got when I was in the building is kind of un-explainable. I felt welcomed, but at the same time totally different. After a while, when Rabbi Gerson had been talking to us for a little bit, I felt comfortable being there. He had a lot to share and a lot, I felt, he wanted us to know about his beliefs. I actually learned alot and he also told us a lot that I had already learned before. He told us about how long you have to go to school to become a Rabbi and how long he had studied their language (hebrew). After talking to us for a while about himself, the building, the people and the religion, he asked us about things. He asked us about our school, where we had gone and where we were going after we talked with him. Towards the end, he showed us the Torah that he reads out of every time he leads prayer. They looked really old and we're written in Hebrew. I can say that the Torah was most likely the best part of being in the Center. I didn't really have any questions for Rabbi Gerson. The one that I did have was asked by someone else. I wanted to know who (out of a male and female) wears the little hat thing and why. He said that it was because it was out of respect for GOD. I thought that was a little interesting. I didn't really learn much new stuff. Most of what I was being told was things I already knew. But it definitly was an interesting experience going to the building.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I'm glad that you enjoyed the visit to the synagogue. I too enjoyed Rabbi Gerson's approach to talking with us and the Torah. The building truly is beautiful. Great details. Very honest reflection.